Why Capacitive Voltage Transformer?
          At high system voltages the cost of conventional potential transformer is high, due to prohibitive cost of insulation. 
          It is possible to obtain voltage from capacitor divider as the insulation is inherent in its design at no extra cost.
          Further economy can be obtained by using capacitor divider as a coupling capacitor for Power Line Carrier Communication.
          The CVT has the following inherent advantages :
          Since the primary insulation is made up of capacitors elements  connected in series, the surge withstand capability of a CVT is very good. It acts a surge suppressor.
          The Ferroresonance is controllable in a CVT because the same happens between the capacitor part and the electromagnetic unit of the CVT which are known values.
          Since it is packed and shipped in parts, handling ,  erection and assembly of the same at site is convenient.
Assuming the intermediate potential transformer is absent
Expression for Us
          The per unit error is

                        On simplifying
          This leads to the conclusion that for given error the power output is proportional to
        Secondary output voltage Us
        Upper stack capacitance C1
          As the output voltage Us is usually constant, very large capacitance (C1) is required to get sufficient power output
          This is economically unacceptable.
          Two modifications required to improve the situation
        Introduction of an intermediate stepped potential transformer to boost Us.  It can be 20 kV primary, the burden is connected at its secondary at           Volts
        Elimination of the main source of phase angle error due to the capacitance C(=C1+C2 ) by a series inductance tuned to resonate with C at the power frequency
          L  is variable inductive choke used for  phase angle error correction.
          It is tuned to resonate with C (=C1+C2) at nominal power frequency.
          Wound PT is used to increase the available output power, for a given maximum error limit and C1
  Leq is the sum of choke inductance and leakage inductance of the wound PT
  Magnetizing inductance of the PT is neglected
          It can be seen that the choice of a suitable value of L tends to reduce the phase angle error.
          As  the value of L increases U decreases until it is in phase with V and then increases.
          If  the burden is short circuited a considerable over-voltage appears across C2, due to resonance of L and C.
Steady State Performance

CVT Accuracy - Concept of Simultaneous burden on CVTs
          In case of CVTs and PTs, all the secondary windings are wound on a common secondary core.
          Hence, the load connected on any winding, affects the accuracy of the other.
          The requirement of the standard is that the accuracy should be guaranteed for the total connected burden on all windings put together.  For the total burden, the burden of open delta windings may not be considered as they are not continuous loads.
          Whenever we are unable to meet the accuracy with the total combined load, we specify the maximum simultaneous burden upto which the accuracy of the metering class is guaranteed.

Transient Performance
          Transient performance is the response of secondary of a CVT in relation to transient (sudden) changes in primary voltages.
          Since high speed protective relays operate usually within one cycle, it is essential that a CVT should have good transient response, i.e. it should reach its steady state value within 10 milliseconds after a step change in the input.
          Various situations causing transients in CVT are
          Energizing and de-energizing of the line
          Short circuit on the primary terminals
          Rapid reclosure within a few seconds
          Releasing of a secondary short circuit
          Various situations causing transients in CVT are
          Energizing and de-energizing of the line
          Short circuit on the primary terminals
          Rapid reclosure within a few seconds
          Releasing of a secondary short circuit
          The transients produce non power frequency superimposed oscillations on the secondary side.
          The transient oscillations can be damped rapidly by using suitable damping device like ferroresonance protection circuit.

          A practical CVT consists of tuning inductance and wound PT each having iron core, and capacitance. Whenever a capacitor and non-linear inductor are connected  in series, there is a danger of non-linear energy interchanges at sub-harmonic frequencies
          This causes large overvoltage in the circuit
          To avoid ferroresonance the operating flux of iron parts is kept at 1/2 to 1/3rd of the saturation flux density.
          Alternately a special provision for damping the oscillations is provided.

1.    Circuit breaker
2.    Wave Trap
3.    High-voltage line
4.    Grounding switch
5.    Impedances of the sub-station against ground
6.    Coupling capacitor
7.    Line matching unit
8.    Grounding switch
9.    Drain coil
10.  Lightning arrestor
11.  Connection for the h.f.cable to the carrier set

Type Tests

Accuracy Test
          Involves measurement of accuracy in limits of frequency and temperature.
          Normally we carry out the tests only in limits of frequency because of non availability of a temperature controlled chamber. If demanded by the customer, we submit calculations for the same.
          The temperature characteristics of the capacitor divider are measured by conducting the measurements on a small model capacitor stack.
          For metering core, the frequency range is 49.5 to 50.5 Hz.
          For protection core, the frequency range is 48 to 51 Hz. or 48.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz.

Ferro-resonance Test
          Checks the capability of the CVT to suppress high voltages and harmonics created due to ferro-resonance.
          Simulated by short circuiting the secondary for 100 milliseconds in a charged CVT.
The voltage should return back to normal within 10 cycles

Transient Response Test
          Since a CVT is a tuned device, the response of the secondary for any change on the primary is checked by this test.
          A primary short circuit is created and the time taken by the secondary to respond is measured.
          The secondary voltage should collapse to less than 10% of its value before short circuit within 1 cycle i.e 20 ms
High Frequency Test
          These are required to check the compliance of the CVT for PLCC application.
          These consist of measuring
- High Frequency capacitance and Equivalent Series Resistance
- Stray Capacitance and Stray Conductance
          The normal frequency of operation for PLCC is between 40 to 500 KHz.
Temperature Rise Test on the EMU
          To check its capability to take the guaranteed thermal burden continuously
Short Circuit Test
          Same as ferro-resonance, but for the fact that the secondary is shorted for at least 1 second

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